I picked a site that would be challenging for me to study, copy and review. I chose c/net. The particular page I studied was

This site has fantastic content for web designers of all levels. For example, I read an article about integrating a database into my pages. It explained how they use databases to retrieve their information for their site. Obviously that's a little fancy for me since I don't even run my own server, but it taught me about CGI, Perl and their differences to ODBC. I also learned the difference between static and dynamic database applications. There was so much other content of all sorts, from pages for beginners to pages that help you with JavaScript.

When it came to figuring out the layout, I ran into difficulties trying to set it up like they did. They start by putting in a fictitious row with images that don't exist. This sets up their columns for them, but it wouldn't work for me. I managed t o do it without the use of those fictitious columns, but not without the help of Dan.

The site has a few animated gifs that links to some of cnet's sites. The layout was absolutely fantastic, with all sorts of intricate boxes ,arrows, graphics, etc. Pretty much everything was set up as tables, which may be easy for them to organize, b ut a pain in the ass to make sense of when I tried to analyse the 11 pages of source codes I got.

Finally, there was a subscribe form for their newsletter. I borrowed how they did it. Therefore, if you would like to subscribe to my mailing list, sign up below.

In conclusion, this is one of the best sites on the web. They have many valuable sites, which I've included links to on the left. Hope you've enjoyed my new style of reviews. I've started trying to learn as much as possible from each site I review, using both old and new techniques each time.