Links & Homepages
has links and pics of all of us over the years, mostly surrounding our
annual Holmes Safari event. Nick's done an awesome job with this
site so enjoy!
William Forrest is my buddy's young son. Here are pics of Damien,
Sarah and their cutest little guy.
Fafard Campbell my little sister has her own site now. She graduated
with her Master's in Sexology, keeping true to the family business and
is opening up her practice in Granby/Montreal.
Waltz has truly learned the skills of a great webmaster. For free info
on Heavenly, pics and a great looking site check out Holmes' newest creation.
java applets and all. And when you send me a birthday card, make sure to
send him one too, we were both born April 2nd, 1975.
Shuman -- biker extraordinaire, better known as Shaggy. Check out this
cool ass page and if you're ever in Marblehead, ask about the "Shuman Parties",
they are legendary.
Gleason had one hell of a killer page going. It's been let down a bit
but there are still lots of fun factoid and links to completely ridiculous
sites. This one's definitely worth checking out. Don't forget to sign her
guestbook. This page is old but still there!
Steglich is a great graphic artist and one of the hippest guys I know.
Best friends in high school, Nick and I were roommates at UMass our freshman
year and he even spent a summer in Tahoe so we've had the pleasure of hanging
out on both coasts. I'm sure the Tahoe snow will bring him back some
day! Nick organizes our Holmes Safari every summer and is the glue that
holds many friendships together, especially for those of us who live so
far away. You da man Nick! Here's Nick's old site: Nick
Plaid is one of the best bands on the east coast of Massachusetts.
If you like a fast beat and a tight, rythmic band that keeps you dancing,
you gotta watch them play. They play shows every week and have been heard
all over Massachusetts, including the popular Red Room in Salem, and at
multiple New England campuses. These guys know how to get the crowd going
and Nick's done a killer page for them.
Knee perfectly blends the sweet sounds of the banjo, the acoustic
guitar and the flute with their more "conventional" instruments. If catchy
lyrics and addictive beats are your style, I guarantee you won't regret
catching a live appearance at Mike's Billiards or The Spoke. Besides, there's
always tons of cute hippie girls that go to their shows. Much to my sadness,
Trick Knee is now broken up, but their memories and hard to find tapes
still live on. Jon, EJ, Theresa, Layla and Jon--You guys fucking rock.
Best of luck in your new endeavors! Whatever you do, don't give up music.
